Hello! | ¡Hola! | 你好!| こんにちは!

My name is Christina, I am a Designer for user experience focused in making design decisions, with an appreciation of organized design and visual representation. I want to create visual products that will be easily understood and appreciated. I transitioned my creative abilities and direction from data visualization to UX/UI and product design. My goal is to attract and retain user engagement through visual storytelling while improving the product experience.

UX and product design is the present and future of what we all experience from day to day. Much of the world utilizes some form of digital product daily. It is important to make the experience the best one.

In my spare time, I enjoy giving back to the community in volunteering initiatives for those who lack food resources or coming out of homelessness, taking time admiring visual arts, and studying foreign languages -- I can speak basic greetings in 17+ languages; currently studying Japanese.

“Design is intelligence made visible.”

— Lou Danziger

