Keep moving forward to achieve your goals.

Coursera App


Prototype Design to add a feature for the iOS app version of Coursera.

Please note: This project is not directly affiliated with Coursera. Project with former Coursera design manager.


Designer Researcher UX/UI 


78 hrs (4 weeks) June 2022


Whimsical Figma Maze Miro


Coursera's system of learning provides the opportunity to acquire new skills and strengthen old ones at any time with a flexible schedule. Various environments are available for a learner to study via desktop and/or with mobile app. The mobile app allows quick access to materials, exploration of new courses and course material downloads to study on the go.


When students study in online courses via mobile app, it can become difficult to keep up and stay consistent with each course through to completion.  


Extend design for user’s personal experience 

Enhance the profile portion of the mobile app for the user 

Successful user testing to examine if these added features work well with the existing app


Hypothesis: A strong profile with personalized metrics will generate more engagement and improve course progression. Many students enroll but don't complete their courses for various reasons. To support them to reach their initial goals and get motivated to finish, tracking time spent in 1 or more courses may encourage completion and assist in better time management.


Maintaining a cohesive experience while adding a feature to an existing product

Ensure feature does not disrupt learning time spent on app

Encourage completion

Overall design balance


Online Surveys

A survey was conducted to gather quantitative data for insights on user patterns and understand what are the main needs and/or frustrations. The goal was to evaluate what the user wants to see in an app learning environment, and how adding new features to the existing app will be beneficial.

  • Users immediately check their progress when first opening the app and before closing the app

  • Users usually track time spent by manually looking at the course, or not track time at all

  • Most Users spend 1-3 hours on courses a week, or 4-9 hours

  • Users prefer to keep track of time spent by hours per week

  • Users want to save time learning new skills by using online course studies


Check their course progress when first opening the app

Believe they spend about 10-15 hours on courses per week

Prefer to keep track of course progression by how many hours spent studying per week

This persona is:

  • Motivated to learn new things

  • Mindful of time spent with activities

  • A consistent user of mobile apps 

  • Strives to finish what is started


The learner’s thoughts, pain points and experiences while trying to stay motivated in a new course of study via mobile app.

User Journey Map

First design version provided edit link from the Learn screen, second/ final version provides editing from the profile's goal detail screen.

Wireframe sketches

Version 1

Version 2

Navigating to the Weekly Goal Highlight -> go to profile, change weekly goal -> view goal by week, day and month

Task Flow


Using the research, task flow map and wireframe sketches, an interactive prototype was built in Figma to create the flow with the new weekly goal featured. One task flow demonstrates use case of the weekly goals settings under Profile inside the Coursera app.

View in Figma ->


Testing was conducted for 3 paths for a task flow to select Learn screen and see weekly goal highlights, update the weekly goal, and view the current progress by day, week and month. Brief instructions were included in each path to guide participants through the task.

Participants                        15 

Age range                       32-42

Test method                    Maze 

Test subject       prototype (mobile)

Most testers expect an easy order and navigation for the entire experience; 40% said they would use this feature, color balance is helpful for the experience. 53% are very likely to set a weekly goal for online courses; ease of use is the most expected and appreciated usability expectation.


Testers reported ease of use and an intuitive experience. 67% thought navigation was very easy. All testers were able to complete the mission with the expected paths. Changes to color and additional measures for weekly goal were suggested.

  • Change colors to be less monotone 

  • Updated spacing between items

  • Included additional views for the flow


  • Configuring goals for specific coursers or programs, specializations, etc.

  • Badges or milestone markers for completion 

  • Ways to share the progress/goals met with others outside the app

Other options considered:




  • Research: Surveyed users about thoughts and expectations when studying online with an app, and used secondary research methods to gather insights about adding a goal feature to the app, created personas to grasp empathy of user

  • Exploration: Used a journey map to capture the user scenario using the product and their actions, pains and thoughts: formed the task flow and first wireframes including the feature

  • Prototype: Used task flow and wireframe sketches to design the interactive prototype

  • Testing: Testers reported ease of adaptability and use, suggestions were considered to iterate parts of the design

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