Instilling trust that users want with insurance.

KAUS Insurance

Multi-product insurance company in need of a web platform to launch B2C product plans and attract customers.


Designer Researcher UX/UI 


170 hrs (10 weeks)


Optimalsort Illustrator Whimsical Figma Sketchbook


Hypothetical case study for an Insurance company with over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry while maintaining the existing B2B relationship with wishes to acquire clients with a variety of insurance package options.


KAUS Insurance needs a platform to introduce customers B2C to their products available as well as a smooth transition overall into the digital sales side of insurance. Their goal is to successfully transition to the digital space and sell policies online while attracting audiences that are searching for insurance.


B2C web platform enabling the ability to purchase, update and track insurance plans. Web, mobile responsive interface with ability for prospective customers to request estimates and existing customers to retrieve billing and more with an online account.


  • That potential customers who have never purchased insurance via web are interested

  • Communication of the product for policy packets; ease of representing across multiple devices 

  • That customers will want to purchase insurance via web, mobile app or tablet 

  • That switching B2B to B2C will reach business goals/potential



  1. How to transition this service from B2B to B2C? 

  2. How to describe the optimized packages with no customization? 

  3. How will the intended use of this service be represented? 

  4. What will help this service hold up against industry competitors? 

  5. How to communicate what is best for each user case? 

  6. How to demonstrate the company’s mission statement/message?

Research Interviews


  • Participants seemed flustered and sighed heavily when mentioning the policy’s terms and conditions 

  • Premium/rates are still most important to participants

  • All-in-one, bundle mentioned twice for 2 participants

  • Quick, easy access, no headache on terms and conditions

  • 2/3 never look for insurance quotes 


  • Participants want the best price listed and save more

  • Participants have more of a frustration overall with the insurance process and would prefer the easiest process for this as possible 

  • Participants prefer bundles and have everything in one place, autopay options 

  • Participants didn’t seem as concerned about quotes but want information up front about package rates

  • Participants desire an enjoyable experience to make the overall process with insurance less painful



From Gathered Ideas to Visualized Design

After collecting input from interviews, defining the problem and developing an idea of what the user experience should embody, the visual frame of what the product would contain was organized. Card sorting insights assisted in the structure of navigation for the site, which is demonstrated in the site map. The task flow takes into consideration what the persona's busy schedule would allow to quickly check a status from the account.

Site Map

Task Flow

(to check insurance claim status)


Sketch Wireframes

While working down the homepage, the user can view brief descriptions of the top products of interest. Based on interviews auto and home were the most common insterest. It was decided to feature only 4 products in the middle section with a button to ‘view more’ products.

Version 1

Version 2

Responsive Wireframes

Creation of uniformity across all device sizes for the same product. The CTA section has a broader image and selection on the desktop and tablet (horizontal) views but for the tablet (vertical) and mobile, adjustments were made to make the same page recognizable without the image and large section.

Style and Design

The branding for KAUS was designed with the common user in mind which communicates protection, support, balance, and an easy-to-digest friendly experience. Use of cool colors with white background provides the balance of being at ease while being protected.

Foundation for a design system was created for Kaus.


With the transition from wireframes to a high-fidelity design ready for prototyping, modifications taken into consideration were grid system spacing, typography changes, size/length of each section and design of product section.

Prototype Flow for Login

A prototype was built for one task flow to login, view more product plans and get an estimate for property insurance for a home.



Majority of users turn to the most centrally located buttons to retrieve results desired. Having easily located buttons in most common areas of the screen was assumed.


Testing was done on a single task flow for account holders logging in to the desktop website, exploring more products and getting an estimate on property insurance. Brief instructions were included to guide participants through a scenario for this task.

‘Remember me’ checkbox made optional; included in single-click for future testing. Login section adjusted.




  • Research: discovered a lot about insurance in design and what expectations/frustrations the common user has with this

  • Ideation: wireframing and building flows provided clarity of the direction of the project and if scope needed to be adjusted

  • Design: insurance branding with welcoming tones and lines yet demonstrating an image of strength and trust can also help the experience

  • Testing: Participants gravitate to header navigation for desktop website; design should be easy and not a text overload with insurance sites

Next Stages

  • Other devices: Full experience for mobile, additional experience for tablet and other common devices

  • Engage: Mobile app for customer engagement and immediate communication features

  • Iterate: Make any further adjustments and continue testing new implementations, use of surveys to determine what user expectations are

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